Inner Sanctuary

11:30am- 3:30pm 21st July | $89 | Hot Yoga Lower Hutt

Guided by Angela, this offering of practice and subtle body ritual will lead you into a restorative state, asking only that you give yourself permission to pause as you enter the Winter season of slowing down. Slowing down with intention is a sacred act of self care.

Initially, you’ll be lead into some gentle movement, Japa mantra (silent recitation) to aid in softly letting go, soothing pranayama to ease the emotions and release any busyness of the mind. Invoking Sankalpa (intention) that resonates with you and also with the full moon energies on that day. Your Sankalpa will act as an anchor, layering these practices as an inner resource of support.

All these subtle body practices will be lightly placed within the physical practices of yin, yielding to restorative shapes, surrendering to Yoga Nidra.

There’ll be an opportunity to gather and ease your way off your mat with chai, a chat and something sweet.

Take some time to reclaim and remember you vitality - your Inner Sanctuary.

“Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at anytime, and be yourself”

- Hermann Hesse

Your guide Angela

Angela has over 10 years of experience co-facilitating teacher trainings and draws upon her hundreds of hours of training. Her deep well of knowledge and passion for self-discovery guide practitioners to reconnect with themselves on a profound level. Angela's poetic and divine essence nurtures and supports, allowing you to find inner calm and relaxation. Her nurturing energy encourages you to turn your attention inward, toward your true self.

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